

Waltz is one of the five dances of the "Standard" category of the International Style ballroom dances. It was previously referred to as Slow Waltz. In many languages it is referred to as English Waltz. It is a waltz dance and danced to slow, preferably 28-30 bars per minute (84-90 beats per minute), waltz music. Preferably, the 1st beat of a measure to be accented. Waltz music is in 3/4 time. Most of the basic figures have 1 step per 1 beat, i.e., 3 steps per measure. Advanced figures may have 4-6 steps per measure, and this, coupled with various turns, makes the dance very dynamic despite the relatively slow tempo. At the same time, advanced dancers often use slow steps and elegant poses to create contrast (sometimes referred to as "light and shade").


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